Berlin Workshop on "Sustainable Develoment of Bangladesh and Challenges"
Organized by:
Bangladesh Envionment Network (BEN) Germany
Bengalisches Kultur Forum, Berlin
Bangladesh Entwicklungszentrum in Deutschland (BEZ) e.V., Berlin
BASUG- Diaspora and Development, Netherlands
VENUE: Feurigstr. 69, 10827 Schöneberg-Berlin, Germany
DATE: Saturday, 23 November, 2013
TIME: 13 Hour:
Programm: Registration and welcome reception
13.15: Introduction
H.E. Muhammad Ali Sorcar, Ambassador of Bangladesh to Germany, Berlin
13.50 Topic: Higher education and research activities in tue universities of Bangladesh, by Prof. Dr. Muhibur Rahman, Member of the Universit< Grants Commission of Bangladesh
14.20 Topic: Enviromental aspects and energy development in Bangladesh, by Dr. Mazhaul M. Islam, Senior Reserarch Fellow, University of Bonn, Germany
14.40 Topic: Possibilities and Constraints of NRB to our country Development, Prof. Dr. Bibhuty Roy, University of Bremen, Germany
15.30 Topic: Diaspora and Developement, Bikash Chowdhury Barua, Chairman, BASUG, Netherlands
Topics: Socio-economics and community development issues such as agricultural, health, technical, industrial and educational aspects; Climate chanfe and Green enviroment; Energy production and Supply; Migration and development including remittances; Cooperation with governmental and non-gevernmental Institutions and organisations; Networking Non-Residence Bangladeshi (NRB)